Thursday, September 11, 2008

Music is the beat of my heart and emotions.

I have always loved music since I was a child. As an Indian I have even taken classical dancing just to know the movement of the body according to the musics beat. No jokes it is not easy to coordinate wonder how our grandparents actually learn all these. Music is not yesterday or today in my point of view . It stars from the foetus in the mothers womb, we listen to most beautiful sound of music our heart beat and our mothers heart beat. Downloading from the net was never a good idea for me therefore I usually get through the mp3 player downloads.
I save all my song in a desktop in my laptop.It is named "Asus Musics".Then there are many types of songs from English rock, hip- hop to classic like Beethoven & Mozart opus, Indian cinema songs to classic melodies, Indonesian mostly like radja vs petepan rock music and Malaysian local songs, Spanish from J.Lo and Latin from Ricky Martin and Japanese it is actually endless since I love to admire music not concerning where it's from.
After I have open my "Asus Music" desktop I enter to the music folder . My songs are sorted according to the alphabetical order . All my songs from Indian to my Indonesian songs.Then I will just click on it and song start playing with the song title and the playback singers and so forth.This is how I sort my music collections.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Con's of Information Technology

Group name: LINUX

Group Members: Nethiyakalyani,Caryn Anne Santhana Dass, Vigneswari( Vicky), Narmmatha.

We as a group have agreed that Information Technology on a social and ethical scale brings more bad effects then good.First of all it is the invasion of privacy. Millions of people around the globe key in personal details of their life into the world wide web everyday, without thinking of its consequences. In fact, our information carries value.Telemarketers can hack into various accounts, checking your bank balabnce and targetting you as a potential buyer. Then they proceed to badger and harress you to buy their prouducts. This is an example of mthings they can do to you. In fact they coild do worst things like perhaps steal your identity. Have you ever considered that a person , any person could hack into your e- mail account and read all your mail?Hackers arev able to hack into bank accounts or important files just to make money.
Another negative activity widely done over the internet is the “pop up” icons. What are these pop up icons? Mostly advertisements and pornography websites. Since there is no age barrier towards th eusage of the net the ones who are easily influenced are pre-teens that is childrens within the age of 11- 15 years old.As we all know “ curiosity kills the cat” you can never tell that children will ignore colourfull and attractive advertisements. All these negetive effects just in one click.Such vulgarism and unethical behavior exposed to the chilren nowdays.All these is what leeds to social problem like teen- protitution and rape among teens.There is no moral values and these advertisements on the wibe makes one irratated, when you concentrating and keeping your eye like hawk on the work you are doing suddently out of the blues something just pop's up and distracts you. This is just so annoying.
Illegal downloading also plays its own roles in the concern of IT.By downloading illegal movies, songs, games and more. It gives a very bad respons to the people who invented it. For an example, the flimdom industries. If everyone just just downloads song and movies, the producers and music directors don't earn the modal and the money they deserve from their hardwork.If downloading illegally from the net goes on further. In future , the chance to get quality movies would no longer exist.
Nowadays, talking about bad impact of the IT would mostly root to the facts of copyright and infrigment which happens almost all part of the world. People tend to copyright music , articles, books which has been composed and published by illegal companies or co-opperations.They make use of this pathway to earn their money by selling copyrighted document illegally. Due to this scenario, the legal/origanal oweners lose their rights, business and have to face a lot of consequences toward their own poperties.
As a conclusion, it could be said that IT on the whole bring a lot of negative influence and effects towards the current society.