Friday, November 14, 2008

The positiveness of “HI-TECH” schools nowadays.

The method used in schools currently is known as the “ Computer Aided Instruction”. First of foremost is said to be easy and inexpensive. It can be the combination of traditional education technique and the current technique. The CAI offers more advantage as students need not to bring heavy books to classrooms just a CD or flash disc most to most. Further more it encourages individual learning and motivations for students. As an example, individual students can learn at his or her own pace as for the motivation factors the CAI can turn practice into a game therefore encouraging practice of arithmetic skills, spelling,piano playing and other skills that are more tedious. It can also make children feel more comfortable. As well designed programs keeps up to a students pace. There have been research done that has proven that younger children and the ones with disadvantages of learning disabilities tend to give a positive response.
The addition of simulations and games made it more creative towards attracting children's attention. It gives the children's to actively explore artificial environments which could be artificial environment whether imaginary or realistic. The Microsoft office with the spreadsheets, word processor, and graphics programs are the tools used by students at schools now. schools also provide special tools in the laboratory where the laboratory sensing hardware can be used to collect scientific data of temperatures and convert to computer data. Collaborating writing groups ware that able students to work collectively on creative writing and editing projects. Music synthesizers with sequence and notation software for teaching music composition.
Teachers use computer and multimedia tools to create in class presentations. Example of slide shows. Students to can accesses to the works presented by their teachers through the Blackboard system on the net.
Virtual schools which are also known as distance education too gives opportunities to the people at remote areas to gain education. Telecommunication technology is very important for this process .Studies too show there is a great improve in the students grades. It shows that well designed interactive multimedia system can encourage processing and higher order thinking. Students that create interactive multimedia report tend to learn better. Students tend to be more fluent in speech and better in writing skills. Computers help prepare students to face the working world better. Positive changes happen as teachers gain experience through technology.

The positiveness of censorship

Censorship is defined as an act or practice of censoring and deleting parts of publication or correspondence or theoretical performance. In my point of view nowadays censorship plays a crucial and vital role in the world. Why is this so? Censorship is the back bone in creating a positive society.
It could be argued that we all have the rights and freedom of speech. Every issues have the limit and boundaries. In my point , censorship is required in all the fields. First of foremost the categories of people who use the Internet are not only adults there are children too. Each site a child is accessed too has negative sites. The most common one pornography,what are these children exposed to. That is why censorship is crucial here. The games nowadays are games or violence stimulating actions planted in these young children's minds. Games use to be fun but now it is all about shooting and killing. The language used are vulgar and improper. It is so rude, what kind of culture are the children in the current era being brought up in. What has happened to the moral values we were exposed to by simple cartoons from the television.
In a certain country's view the politician tend to censor “sensitive” issues. Why is this done ? It is very easy to answer that they just want to the keep the country running just the way it is. Why do they want to create more problems. That way censorship is good in my point of view.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Users and Implication of teleconferencing.

Teleconferencing is defined as an interactive communication between two or more people at separate locations with the electrical mediums such as computers.There are many ways of teleconferencing . The example are through phone which is audio conferencing, computer conferencing and TV ( video conferencing).In the audio conferencing remote employees would dial up into a remote line that is usually attached to the phoneline in the office.If there is more than one person then the phone will be put on “ spaeker “ as for all will be able to communicate during that conference.Wherelse for video conferencing,it refers to flimming and beaming an image from one persons TV to anothers.It is the same more or less for computing conference too but most often instant messaging service is applied. Teleconferencing is widely used by companies because their companies are spread out geograpically, either the company has many branches in overseas. There would be more benefits compared to non-benefits when it comes to teleconferencing.It can save a great deal of money compared to spending it on flight charges,and furtehr more you would be punctual in getting thigs ordered as to not delays thing and finishing up faster.